Rev.   BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA CAMP BLUE HERON DAILY TROOP & PATROL ACTIVITIES MASTER SCHEDULE _________________________________________________________________ WEEK 3 1993 WELCOME TO CAMP BLUE HERON! Troops 9, 88, 219, 222, 500, Sailing Program and Provisional Scouts SUNDAY JULY 4 (Independence Day) 3:00pm - 5:00pm Troop Check in & Orientation. * Campsite Arrival Arriving units are greeted at the front gate by a Staff Host & escorted to camp site where vehicles can be quickly unloaded and allowed to return to the main parking lot. Scoutmasters can then proceeed to the camp office for checkin. * Scoutmaster checkin at Camp Office. At this time you can: 1. Confirm advanced camp fees paid at scout office & pay any amount still owed for campers. Fees for those choosing the High Adventure Sailing Program can also be paid at this time. 2. You will receive this schedule of events. 3.) You can inform the camp director of any problems with your site. Your troop host will be reporting on any additional tentage or bedding needs directly to the camp commissioner. 4.) You can submit a roster of scouts in camp & adults staying in camp during the week. 5.) The camp director will have a printout of all scouts registered at the scout office, you will have an opportunity then to register any additional scouts coming to camp with your unit. 6.) You will also be abe to pick up your class registration schedules providing you submitted your class request list to the scout office before camp. If you did not preregister your scout's classes you should do so at this time with the Program Director. Any additional scouts (or no shows) need to be reported as well. Upon arrival, a poster outside the camp office computer center will list any last minute class offerings & deletions. 7.) ADULT SUPERVISION IS REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES IN CAMP!!! TWO DEEP LEADERSHIP IS A REQUIREMENT FOR ALL SCOUTING ACTIVITIES. You will be asked to fill out a two deep leadership form. Our Camp Commissioner Julius Drake will also be on hand (coordinating with troop hosts) to help make your troops stay a more pleasant and successful one. * Troop moves into campsite, scouts get into batheing trunks and collect medical forms. Your staff host will then conduct a guided tour of Camp Blue Heron. The tour will include a brief history of camp and a number of program areas will be visited. * Medical Checkin Bring Medical Forms! at the Health Lodge. If any scouts are taking any prescription medications, have them bring those items with them. At the Health Lodge you will turn in your signed medical forms (scouts need only visit the doctor once every three years for their medical forms, but they must be updated each year). Scouts will get a Health Lodge & Wellness Informational Center services orientation. Those scouts turning in completed medical forms will also have their buddy tags issued from the Health Lodge which will be used for the swim tests at the water front. * Dining Hall Table Water Explanation - As a part of your tour your staff host will explain the table waiting & formation procedures for assemblies & seating & tottum usage in the dining hall. * Swim Check at Waterfront - In the event of incliment weather the waterfront director will announce make up procedures. Scouts can qualify for non swimmer, beginner, or swimmer. The Swimmer Qualification is required for most Waterfront classes. American Red Cross Swimming Instruction is also available. Those not passing their swimmers test who want to retake it may do so by appointment. * Drop / Ads for class registrations, after troops receive their preregistration class assignments they may wish to make changes. Those changes should take place between the Program Director and the Scoutmasters. Scouts should not try to make schedule changes with the Program Director. All class changes should also be reported IN PERSON BY THE UNIT LEADER. Drop & add period ends Monday morning at 9:30, no changes to schedules will be made after this time. 3:00 - 6:00pm - Trading Post is Open. The Trading Post also has ice for sell for large troop coolers. Please do not try to get ice from the dining hall. The Trading Post Hours of Operation are subject to change but are always posted on the front porch. 3:00 - 6:00pm - The Camp Commissary is Open. The Compound storage area will be open for those troops wishing to checkout equipment. This shall include fire rakes and dining tarps. The compound will be open at announced times throughout the week (included in this schedule) for troops needing toilet paper & other camp supplies. All liquid fuels in camp need to be checked in with the Commissary Clerk, Justin Cherubin, for proper & safe storage. The Commissary is also the camp's Lost & Found Department. 6:00pm - Table Waiters report to Dining Hall. 6:20pm - Troops assemble at Flag Pole for retreat (10 minutes before each meal) look for your units marker for where to assemble. 6:30pm - Supper (Sunday Only, all other days at 6:00pm). Troops are dismissed into the dining hall first when it is their turn for grace. Every troop will get to go first at least one time during the week. Please do not leave until you are dismissed. For dinners only we will always dismiss with the Trail the Eagle song. 7:00pm - Project C.O.P.E. Meeting right after diner on the far side of the Dining Hall front porch with director Danny Peller. 7:15pm - Senior Patrol Leader Council Meeting at Pavillion behind the camp office with Camp Commissioner Pop Drake & Ed Henderson. A perfect attendence at all SPL council meetings throughout the week by the SPL or the ASPL is "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth 10 points. 7:00pm - 9:00pm - Trading Post Open 7:45pm - Scoutmaster Roundtable in the Adult Leader Lodge with Camp Director Vic Carpenter & Program Director Ed Henderson. 8:30pm - Vesper Service at Camp Chapel with the Camp Chaplain Mike Kalla. Class A uniform is highly recommended for this event and all evening meals. 9:00pm - Opening Campfire program & official welcome to camp at the council ring. --->Each scout should bring a small stick to the campfire with him as part of our closing ceremony<--- 10:30pm- Central shower facility are closed. 11:15pm- Camper Taps by the Staff Jazz Ensemble STANDARD DAILY SCHEDULE 6:30am - Mile Swim class pratice meets at Lake Bryant. Actual 1 mile swim is on Friday at 9:00am but participants must attend each day for practice. See John Martin for details on participating in this event. 7:00am - Camp Reville by the Pops Electronic Orchestra. 7:30am - Table Waiters report to Dinning Hall 7:50am - Opening Ceremony at Flag Pole (Mandatory) with Presentation of Historic Flags & Grace. Troops are asked to do this duty on a daily basis and should sign up with Ryan Camerson, Staff Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. Scoutmasters are also urged to involve their Woodsman First Year Camper participants in this ceremony in order to complete one of their requirements for the program. 8:00am - Breakfast Meal 8:35am - Big Idea of the Day, Song, & Program Enrichment Comments. 8:40am - Table Waiter Call Up & Dismissal 8:40am - Health Lodge Daily Sick Call by Johnny Odom Camp Medical & Wellness Information Center Director. 8:45am - 11:45am - Quartermaster Compound Open 8:45am - 11:45am - Trading Post Open 9:00am - 12:00 & 2:30 - 4:20pm - Woodsman First Year Camper Program for new scouts. A comprehensive basic introduction to scouting. Taught at Fort Yamacraw (Behind the Dinning Hall next to the Scoutcraft Area). Richard Wilson is the Woodsman Director. A detailed syllabus and a rewritten lesson guide will be issued at the Sunday Night meeting. Please study the rewrite carefully, it contains significant changes from the leader's guide. Classes will be located as follows: LAKE BRYANT: Lifesaving Rowing, Canoeing Small Boat Sailing & Swimming MB, Red Cross Swim Instruction, Mile Swim, Snorkling & Lifeguard BSA ARCHERY RANGE: Archery MB & Free Shoot RIFLE RANGE: Rifle MB , Open Shoot, & The Georgia Certified Hunter's Safety Class SHOTGUN / SKEET RANGE: Shotgun MB & Open Shoot HANDICRAFT TENT: Basketry, Leatherwork, Wood Carving & Pulp & Paper NATURE/ECOLOGY : Environmental Science, Fish & Wildlife Management, Forestry, Insect Study, Nature, Reptile Study, Soil & Water Conservation, SHELTER BY PARKING LOT BEHIND CAMP OFFICE: Space Exploration, American Heritage Merit Badges SCOUTCRAFT: Backpacking/Hiking, Camping, Orienteering, Pioneering, Fishing, Wilderness Survival, Survival Techniques School, & The Paul Bunyan Axemanship Award FORT YAMACRAW: Woodsman First Year Camper Program, Toten Chip & Fire n chit. This ares is behind the dinning hall next to Scoutcraft FLAGPOLE: Athletics Merit Badge HEALTH LODGE/Wellness Information Center: Emergency Preparedness, First Aid, & Safety CAMP OFFICE: American Red Cross C.P.R. NOTE: Cooking & Indian Lore are cancelled for third week. Safety has been added at the request of Troop 9, all troops can take it. 9:00am - Daily Campsite Inspections "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth upto 80 points per day for 400 TOTAL POSSIBLE CAMPSITE INSPECTION POINTS! + 100 for Shower House Duty. See the Honor Unit Guidebook for a more detailed explanation of this and all other Honor Unit events. 9:00am - 9:50am Class Period One. (Canoeing, Rowing, Small Boat Sailing & Pioneering last 2 hours) 10:00am - 10:50am Class Period Two 11:00am - 11:50am Class Period Three 12:00pm - Lunch Table Waiters report to the Dining Hall 12:15pm - Campers assemble at the parade field for program enrichment comments before lunch. Dismissal is based on campsite inspection score. 12:30pm - Lunch 12:40pm - WBSA F.M. 99 "On the Air" with Weather Rock Report & National Wildlife Federation Nature News Break. 1:00pm - Dismissal from the Dining Hall 1:10pm - Camp Free Time & Announced Program Area Demonstrations 1:15pm - (Or as soon as lunch dismissed from Dining Hall) Daily Senior Patrol Leader's Council (or ASPL) meeting on far side of Dining Hall porch. Attendence at this event is an HONOR UNIT EVENT worth 10 points. Leaders will review campfires, evening events, uniform & campsite inspection results, reservations for uniform inspections , flag ceremonies, grace, soccer & volleyball competitions & other weekly events. Inter troop campfires are promoted at this meeting and units are urged to invite one another to a Wednesday night campfire in a troop site. A campfire planning form will be dessiminated by the Camp Commissioner. 1:30pm - 2:30 pm - Quartermaster Compound Open 1:30pm - The camp has numerous recreational activities including Fishing Polls (6 hour time limit), Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccor, etc. 1:30pm - Troop vs. Troop Best two out of three matches Volleyball Competition "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth upto 50 points. . 1:30pm - Single Elimination Troop vs. Troop Soccor games start on the activity field. SPL's can sign up for this HONOR UNIT EVENT worth 50 points. Stefan Jarvis is in charge of this event. Troops should report their score results on the ladder posted at the trading post. 1:30pm - Daily Free Boating at Lake Bryant - BY TROOP APPOINTMENT ONLY with the aquatics director. 1:45pm - 4:45pm Trading Post Open 2:30pm - 3:20pm Class Period Four 3:30pm - 4:30pm Class Period Five 4:30pm - Class Period Six (Generally very few Merit Badge classes are in operation at this time but program areas will have daily events during this hour, please check with area directors for program availability or check daily schedule for special events. Tune into WBSA for the latest special events. 4:30pm - Daily Free swim at Lake Bryant. Subject to a maximum limit based of number of Lifeguards 4:30pm - The Archery Ranges is open for Free Shoot and extra help for those wishing to qualify for the Archery Merit Badge. Space is limited & the range will only be opened if arranged by appointment with Irv Drought. 4:30pm - On Monday's & Wednesday's the Rifle Range is available for open shoot. On Tuesday's & Thursday's the Shotgun range is open. This is also an excellent time for campers to get extra help from the staff on qualifing. There is a $.25 lab fee for Shotgun Merit Badge in open shoot. A $.25 coupon should be purchased from the trading post and redeemed at the shotgun range. 5:30pm - Unit Uniform Inspection "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth upto 25 points. See the Honor Unit Compendium Guide for complete details. Your camp pictures will also be taken at this time so you might want to take along your troop flag. 5:50pm - Assemble at Flag Pole for Retreat and Evening Meal. All scouts should be in "Class A" uniforms. Irv Drought will conduct a safety seminar at assembly. 6:00pm - Supper Meal & Dining Hall Program 7:30pm - 8:30pm - Quartermaster Compound Open 7:00pm - 9:00pm - Trading Post Open 8:30pm - (On most evenings) Our Camp Media Center Services Coordinator, James Martin, will often be showing selected top rate movies (Follow Me Boys, Scout's Honor, Indiana Jones, Star Trek 1, Star Trek 2, Star Trek 3, & Star Trek 4, Star Trek 6, Start Trek: The Next Generation, etc.) as well as excellent films supporting the various program areas of camp. Listen daily for titles, times, and locations of various multimedia events, most of which will be held in the Dining Hall. 9:00pm - Astronomy Observations at the Flag Pole on clear evenings & other announced times during the week (Generally two conditions have to be present for this event to occur: the night must be clear & Ed must be off his computer). If it remains cloudy all week we will use the Camp Planetarium located in the camp office and watch the film The Universe. 10:00pm- Taps played by the Electronic Staff Jazz Ensemble 10:45pm- All camper showers at central shower facility should have concluded. MONDAY JULY 5 (College T-Shirt Day) 8:05am - The Camp Blue Heron Biggist Fish contest is explained by Mike Kalla, our Scoutcraft Director and camp angler at the morning flag ceremony. This is "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT worth 10 points. Fishing rods & reals are available for checkout from the Commissary during posted hours & bait is sold at the Trading Post. See the Honor Unit Companion & Scoutcraft Director Mike Kalla for complete details about this event. 9:30am - Final drop add session at the camp office computer services center with the Program Director, Ed Henderson. SCOUTMASTERS ONLY! 11:00am - John Martin, the director of the Aquatics Staff, will be conducting a multimedia presentation on Safety Afloat at the Scoutmaster Lodge. This allows Scoutmasters to conduct safe aquatics activities on the water with their unit on troop campouts & other events. This session is highly recommended and is worth 2 honor unit points for attendence by adult unit leaders 12:23pm - Dining Hall Promotion of the Best Lanyard of the week design contest "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth 10 points. Lanyards should be turned into the Trading Post for judging. See the Honor Unit Guidebook for complete details. 1:10pm - WBSA will conduct a test of the Camp Blue Heron Emergency Broadcast System. In this way should an actual drill ever be sounded, campers would be better able to recognize the sound of the camp horn. A short explanation of what to do when the horn sounds is part of the E.B.S. 1:15pm - Write your parents a Postcard Day!!! Our trading post has postcards & all the stamps you need. 2:00pm - Sunspots and other solar phenomenon will be observed and interprted at the flag pole as we turn our refractor telescope onto the sun with our special solar optical viewing apparatus. This will be rescheduled if cloudy. 2:30pm - The Georgia Department of Transportation will have a static display on Keep Georgia Peachy Clean highway Adopt a Mile Project for interested troops. 2:30pm - The Liberty County Bookmobile visits camp Blue Heron for scouts doing research projects. A collection of books is on loan to the camp for the summer, please see Mr. Vic Carpenter for information on borrowing part of the collection. 4:30pm - The Scoutcraft & Nature Ecology Departments will be in their program areas to meet with leaders and provide technical assistance and suggestions on various conservation & pioneering projects the troops may want to undertake at camp. 6:30pm - A display of Postage Stamps from around the world with Scouting themes will be presented in the dining hall by SOSSI (Scouts on Stamps Society International) 6:40pm - Best New Song of the Day Contest at the flagpole after dinner. 7:00pm - 8:00pm All participants in Rifle & Shotgun Shooting Merit Badge classes must attend a special seminar at the Rifle Range with the Shooting Sports Director Mr. Irv Drought. This class is absolutely mandatory, even if the scout has a hunter safety class previously. Scouts will be dropped from Rifle & Shotgun Shooting badges if they fail to attend this seminar. 7:00pm - 10:00pm American Red Cross C.P.R. class - Open to all scouts and adult leaders, this 6 hour class is highly recommended for all Lifesaving Merit Badge enrolees. Those completing this class will receive the American Red Cross Adult C.P.R. Certification which is good for one year. Books are also available (but not required) from the Trading Post. Those completing this award will have the opportunity to purchase a C.P.R. patch from the Trading Post as well. For more information contact our camp medical Director, Johnny Odom, who is also the disaster services staff person for the Savannah Chapter of the American Red Cross. This class is a two night corse that concludes on Wednesday Night. 7:00pm - 10:00pm The Georgia Certified Hunter Safety Class starts at the Rifle Range. Open to all members of our camp community and required by Georgia law for any scout born after 1962 who wishes to hunt in the state. There is no cost to attend but scouts must know their complete Social Security Number. See Irv Drought who is coordinating this event and hear presentations from Jay Morgan of the Georgia Fish & Game Division, Ken Speirs the camp Ranger and others on the camp staff. This class concludes on Tuesday Night from 7 - 10pm. 7:00pm - Fun with Archery Seminar. Everyone in camp is invited to the Archery Range to hear a presentation by Wiley Archery on the latest Archery Equipment & Mr. Rick Sapp local champion Archery who has won many tournaments in the state. 8:00pm - MONDAY LATE NIGHT NATURE FESTIVAL MOVIE DOUBLE FEATURE! our Nature Director invites everyone to see the Trials of Life Nature Video series at the Nature Lodge where they will be showing selected parts of the acclaimed David Attenburough nature video series. Following this series see the real story about Georgia's Endangered Wildlife produced by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. TUESDAY JULY 6 (Outrageous Tie Day) 8:00am - Today is Nutritional Awareness Morning at Camp. Be sure and pick up the free Nutrition Literature being issued by the dining hall staff. 9:00am - The Georgia Forestry Commission Team is in the Nature area & conducting seminars on how troops can contribute to the Camp Blue Heron Land Use & Reforestation project. The Urban Bus is also expected to arrive today! 10:00am - A video and roundtable discussion on the important topic of Youth Protection will be presented by Camp Director Victor Carpenter to all adult leaders in camp at the Leader's Lodge. Attendence by Scoutleaders on this event is "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth 2 points The seminar includes an informative 19 minute video. All adult leaders are strongly urged to attend this event. 12:25pm - Visit to WBSA Radio Station by Smokey the Bear reminding scouts to be careful with fire. Camp will sing the smokey the Bear Song. 1:30pm - Scoutcraft Paul Bunyan Axe Award Seminar by Scoutcraft Director, Mike Kalla in Scoutcraft Department 1:45pm - How to organize an efficient Troop Library / Media Center Seminar at the Camp Office by the Program Director. Recommended for all Troop Librarians. Those librarians participating will receive free books, prizes and other media for their unit libraries. 6:15pm - - All adult leaders are invited to share an excellent low country boil seafood dinner with the adult camp staff to share ideas, and to hear about some exciting future plans for our growing camp. and a Camp Evaluation meeting for adult leaders with Vic Carpenter & Council Executive Mr. Craig Arcos in the leaders lodge. Here you will get your camp mug and patches. 7:00pm - Georgia Certified Hunter Safety Certification class concludes tonight at 10:00pm. Those completing the class will be recognized at Friday's Campfire & receive the Hunter's Safety patch and card. 7:00pm - The CAMP BLUE HERON GOLD DUBLOON SKILL QUEST Competition. - "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth 100 total points.- For complete details consult the Camp Blue Heron Honor Unit Guidebook. Following all events there will be the Great CBH Staff Auction. Be there so you can bid for all of those awesome prizes. WEDNESDAY JULY 7 (Boxer Shorts Day) 8:30am - Gold Dubloon Auction at Breakfast. Bid on prizes with those Dubloons you won. 11:00am - John Martin, the director of the Aquatics Staff, will be conducting a seminar on the Safe Swim Defense at the Waterfront. This allows Scoutmasters to conduct aquatics activities with their unit on troop campouts & other events. This session is highly recommended and is worth 2 honor unit points for attendence by adult unit leaders. 4:30pm - Health Lodge "How to build a good troop First Aid Kit" seminar (bring your troop First Aid Kits). This is a program conducted by the Camp Blue Heron Wellness Information Center director Johnny Odom & Assistant Ryan Cameron. 12:00pm - News media luncheon followed by a press conference & tour of camp for all area news media. Scout journalism coorespondents are urged to come by the camp office to write stories for submission in newspapers back home. 1:20pm - The Pulp & Paper Merit Badge class will conduct an Away Team activity by visiting Marlene Manning at the Interstate Paper Company for a tour of their facility. The bus will depart at 1:00pm from the camp office and return no later than 3:30pm. Scouts taking this badge need to wear long pants & leather shoes in order to participate in the tour. 1:30pm - Woodsman First Year Camper Overnighter Activity with Richard Wilson. Adult help is needed. An assessment will be made at the start of the week to determine if this event can take place based on the ability of the scouts in the program. 1:30pm - Health Lodge "How to build a good troop First Aid Kit" seminar (bring your troop First Aid Kits). This is a program conducted by the Camp Blue Heron Wellness Information Center director Johnny Odom & Assistant Ryan Cameron. 4:30pm - The "Check it out Mate" Chess Tournament "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth 25 points. This event at the Camp Office. See the Honor Unit Guidebook for complete details. 5:50pm - Troops are encouraged to show which troop has the most spirit at camp. The troop with the best cheer "We got spirit, yes we do, we got bout you?" will go into the Dining Hall First for this meal only. 6:00pm - Explorer Program Awareness Day. All Explorer Scouts will wear their activity uniforms and present a special program at the flag pole on Exploring. 6:45pm - Open Softball and other events at the activity field. The camp Quartermaster will be on hand to issue equipment to all who wish to participate. 7:00pm - American Red Cross C.P.R. class concludes its two part class tonight at the Camp Office. Attendance at Monday's session is required to complete this class. 7:00pm - Scout Mania: The Trivia Game (New Camp Blue Heron Version) "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth 50 points - At the Nature Lodge Pavillion. See the Honor Unit Guidebook for complete details. Sets of this game are available for sell in the Trading Post for units who want their own copy. This event subject to being swapped out if Gold Dubloon Skill Quest is rained out on Tuesday. 8:00pm - A Hamm Radio demonstration will take place at the Trading Post front porch. Stop by and chat with people across the globe! 8:00pm - Cut off deadline for the Biggest Fish Contest. Make sure Mike Kalla sees your fish to weight it and record your name & troop number. 9:00pm - Inter Troop Campfires, invite a troop to join you! Invitations can be made at any SPL meeting. 9:30pm - BSA Patch Trading Session & Swap in the Handicraft Pavillion. Nothing elaborate, just enjoy an informal look and swap of everyone's favorite BSA patches while Pop entertains from his soap box about Hot Spark Kits, Computer Windows, Buses, SME, and just about anything else you could imagine. THURSDAY JULY 8 (Bird Calling Contest Day) 9:00am - Woodsman Field Trip to the waterfront Program Area. 9:00am - 12:00pm - Join our special guests, Msgt. John R. Wallace & Tsgt. Earl T. Lanier from the Georgia 165th Air Force National Guard in the Scoutcraft Department for a school on Wilderness Survival Techniques. Everyone in camp is invited to this half day seminar but class time lost will need to be made up. For more information on this unique offering see Scoutcraft Director Mike Kalla. 10:00am - A Special Demonstration by U.S. Soil & Water Conservation District Manager Louis Fokes on Lazer Topography and land management will be conducted in the Nature Ecology Area. All campers are invited to this special event 12:27pm - A Demonstration of the Camp Blue Heron Atlattle Rope Making Apparatus for campers will be conducted in the lunch line. 12:30pm - Today is Nature Awareness Day on WBSA and Paul Weaver will conduct a Bird Calling Contest in the dining hall. Also Tree Trivia Placemats will be issued to promote Ecological Awareness the evening meal will Have Conservation Trivia Placemats 1:00pm - The American Heritage Merit Badge class will conduct an Away Team activity by visiting the Midway Museum for a tour of this historical landmark. The bus will depart at 1:00pm from the camp office and return no later than 3:30pm. Admission to the Museum is $.50 per scout. The trip will focus on Revolutionary, & Civil War history as well as local Indian & Gulla Culture artifacts. Visits will also be taken to Fort Morris, Fort McAllister & Sunbury Historic Site. 1:30pm - Camp Critter Crawl behind the Trading Post (if we dismiss early, the crawl will be right after lunch gets out). See the Honor Unit book for details on this event. This is "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth 10 points. 1:30pm - Scoutmaster Trap Pigeon Shooting Contest at the Shotgun Range. "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth 10 points. Troops should send their scoutleader in camp. Every troop that is represented will get five points for participation and the best score will get an additional 5 points for a total of 10. 1:30pm - Volleyball finals next to the Trading Post (If troop vs. troop events have ended a special exhibition of Staff vs. the top troop volleyball team will take place. 1:30pm - Wilderness Survival Merit Badge class Overnighter Activity with Mike Kalla. Adult help is needed. This group will return at 6:30 the next morning. 2:30pm - The Liberty County Arts Council, will be presenting an artist in residence exhibition at the Camp Offce on Art Merit Badge. 3:00pm - Scoutmaster Orientation of the Tenderfoot to First Class requirements and update on the Woodsman First Year Camper Progress by our Director of the Woodsman Program Richard Wilson, Deputy Director David Haskell & Program Director Ed Henderson. Scoutmasters are urged to attend this important and informative traning session held ar Fort Yamacraw. 4:30pm - The Soaring for the moon Rocket Launch - At Activity Field. "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth 10 points as one of the many events taking place during the week for the Camp Blue Heron Gold Dubloon Skill Quest. At this time the best designed rocket will be judged for that part of Tuesday's Skill Olympics Competition. 5:55pm - The Nature Ecology staff will have on display five nature objects at the entrance to the dining hall. The first scout to guess each one will get a free pack of candy!!! Paul Weaver will be standing next to the display with prizes to be awarded. 7:00pm - Fort Stewart Army Civil War Reinactors with Roger Durham will present a presentation at the flag pole with a display of the full battle uniforms of both sides of the Civil War in Confederate Blues & Union Grays. Attendence is required for American Heritage Merit Badge participants. 8:00pm - Deadline for campers to send paperwork & projects to their staff counselor. If extra time is needed after this point it should be arranged with the counselor and then concluded by Friday at noon. 8:15pm - Almost Anything Goes Pinewood Derby Race "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth 15 points. See the Honor Unit Guidebook for complete details. FRIDAY JULY 9 (Funny Hat Day) 8:00am - Order of the Arrow Day at camp. All OA members please wear your sash at camp. 9:00am - Mile Swim Program at Lake Bryant, pre registration is required, and should be handled in the same manner as any Merit Badge class registration. This special award starts on Monday morning at 6:30am with practive and conditioning sessions. Come on down to the lake and cheer on your troop's mile swimmers in this test of endurance and accomplishment! 9:00am - Woodsman Camp Carneval of Scout Skills in the fort Yamacraw Area in leaders guide has been cancelled however leaders are always urged to visit. 9:00am - Campwide Intramural Soccor will take place on the activity fields. Any remaining honor unit games will conclude at this time, 9:00am - Nature Day hike by Nature staff to Four Mile Island & the Perimeter Trail and other remote locations in camp can be arranged by appointment. 9:00am - Liberty County Sheriff Deputies & D.A.R.E. Drug Education officer Rick Perryman will be speaking to the Woodsman First Year Camper Program about Safety and Citizen Responsibilities. Everyone is invited. 10:00am - Best Lanyard Contest of the week deadline, all entries must be turned in at the Trading Post with name and troop number. Winner will receive a prize at closing campfire and 10 points for Honor Unit. See Tuesday's schedule for complete details. 10:00pm - We will have two guests presenting topics in camp. From the Savannah Science Museum a topic on Dinosaurs will be presented at the Trading Post Pavillion. Also a representative from the National Tick Museum at Georgia Southern University will be presenting a topic on Ticks & Lyme Disease at the Wellness Information Center for the camp community. A collection of ticks will be available for viewing. 12:00pm - Recognition of our two outstanding cooks Venus Fuller & Annette Osborne in the Dining Hall. Tell these two fine women how much you liked their food this week! 1:30pm -'s here! An exciting exhibition two out of three game of Staff vs. The Scoutmasters Volleyball! WARNING: The first two weeks were BLOW OUT weeks in which the Scoutmasters were crushed in straight sets! 2:00pm - Target Archery Competition "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth up to 25 points. Our Archery will be announcing exact details for this event which is limited to one scout per troop. 3:00pm - Duck Day '93 - "AN HONOR UNIT EVENT" worth 100 points. For complete details consult the Camp Blue Heron Honor Unit Guide. 6:00pm - Dinner will be served cafeteria style for this meal after the flag ceremony. Visitor meals are $3.00. Please inform Kemp Gaskill of the number of visitor meals you will have by Wednesday at noon. 8:00pm - Closing Campfire & Awards Presentations. Join us for the closing campfire complete with a slide presentation of camp. The Tomo Chi-Chi Lodge of the Order of the Arrow will also conduct tap out ceremonies for those troops who need it. Please contact Lodge Chief Paul Weaver to schedule this. 9:00pm - Trading Post opens after the campfire. 9:00pm - Advancement paperwork pickup & Cracker Barrell in the Camp Office for adult scoutleaders. Join us for this informal time of fellowship and review your scouts progress in camp. Troops will receive their patches during checkout. 11:55pm - The Lyraid Meteor shower is most prominent on this night. Look for the bright star Vega in the constelation Lyra. At maximum peak you should see a shooting star radiant every 5 minutes. Ed Henderson will be available at the flag pole for consultation and interpratation regarding this phenomena. SATURDAY JULY 10 9:00am - Final checkout. If you have not already done so please report to camp office to pick up advancement, medical forms, and other data and to confirm all advancement and other camp records. All items checked out from the compound need to be returned at this time. Troop host will return to your campsite to assist with checkout proceedures. 9:00am - 10:00am - Quartermaster Compund is open. 9:00am - 10:00am - Trading Post is open. 10:00am - Troop Checkout deadline. Final campsite inspection. Be sure and report to the camp office before leaving OTHER ACTIVITIES & NOTES: Additional activities and programs are also available, many special programs can be offered upon request. Let camp Staff help you in your year round troop program. Be sure and take note of special opportunities during our Program Enrichment Comments held after each meal, for us to try and list every possible event we do at camp would only make this master schedule even longer, we hope you understand. The Camp Wellness Information Center, an interactive program of public education and health awareness through literature distribution and multi media events is an ongoing project of the Health Lodge. The Health Lodge staff invites scoutmasters to pick up informational kits covering a wide number of topics. We also encourage unit leaders to stop by and sample some of the 650 titles available free on various wellness issues. At announced times the Wellness Center will also be showing films on good dental heigene sponsored by the American Dental Association. We want your scouts to come to the health lodge while they are healthy so they will gain the information needed to safeguard against accidents & illness. Don't wait to get sick, come to the health lodge while you are well so you can stay that way! We are already recruiting staff members for 1994, if you want to be on Staff stop by the Camp Office and get on the list to receive an official invitation when hiring starts this winter. How are you doing on Honor Unit??? - In the camp office we also keep your honor unit tally sheet next to the Class Problems & Situations Log Book. Refer to this listing to find out exactly where you stand in the honor unit competition. 8:00am - National Camp Inspection Day, please welcome our specal guest as they tour the best camp in the BSA and tell them how much you love this place!